A Short History of Political Suicide

From John Steele Gordon, at Wall Street Journal:
Woodrow Wilson's most famous piece of political advice was "Never murder a man who's committing suicide." Rep. Anthony Weiner's critics might keep that in mind. The Twitter disaster has undoubtedly ended his hopes of being New York City's next mayor and may well cost him his seat in Congress.

But as a scandal it pales before Eliot Spitzer's descent into political infamy when he was identified as being "Client No. 9" in an upscale prostitution ring. Within a week there were T-shirts for sale proclaiming "I'm Client No. 8!" and he was forced to resign as governor of New York. As he drove to make his resignation announcement, his car was tracked by helicopters through the streets of Manhattan like O.J. Simpson's famous ride in a white SUV through Los Angeles.

Rep. Vito Fossella of Staten Island (is there something in New York's water?) was arrested for drunk driving in Alexandria, Va., in 2008 and among the revelations that flowed from it was the fact that he had a 3-year-old daughter with a mistress. He declined to run for re-election. Then there's former senator and vice presidential candidate John Edwards's love child, the cover-up of which has now gotten him indicted. Whatever the outcome of the case, his hopes of being president are a distant memory.
Well, you get the picture ...


(And there is something different about this one: Breitbart, and the epic comeuppance he's delivered to radical progressives, for starters.)