Sarah Palin's E-Mails

If anyone needs evidence that she remains the unchallenged GOP frontrunner, even though she's unannounced, just see the news: "News Outlets Pounce on Palin E-Mails."

Reliapundit has the winning headline, "PALIN PROVES SHE'S A REPUBLICAN: SENT 24,000 EMAILS, AND NOT ONE CROTCH SHOT."

Also, at Gateway Pundit, "LA Times Won’t Release Obama-Khalidi Tape But Posts 24,000 Sarah Palin Emails" (via Memeorandum). And it is pretty amazing. The Times has the archive posted, and here's the big story there this morning: "Sarah Palin's emails underscore polarizing effect."

Right. Had to be "polarizing."

See also Powerline, "ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT FOR THE LEGACY MEDIA." And Legal Insurrection, "Behold The Mainstream Media Eating Its Own Anti-Palin Bile - A Running List of Headlines."