Yet, in an e-mail exchange with Tommy Christopher, regarding the extremely inappropriate publication of identities of minors at Daily Kos, Markos Moultisas responded:
from Markos MoulitsasRead Tommy's report for the whole e-mail exchange.
to Tommy Christopher
date Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:34 PM
subject Re: VERY Urgent you call me! One of your bloggers is compromising identities of two minors
That’s a community member’s post. Not my staff. I don’t exert editorial control over what the community writes absent legal imperatives or deeply offensive material. Right now, I’m seeing neither ...
But look, that "Decline and Death of Israel" post would make the authors of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" blush. But apparently, that's not "deeply offensive material."
Moultisas doesn't care about protecting the identities minors at Daily Kos, obviously. Tommy Christopher is bothered: "It disgusts me to see any person behave this way, particularly a fellow liberal." Okay, well how about Markos Moultisas and the Jews, Tommy? Disgusted?
Take a good look at that entry, Tommy. Still call yourself a "liberal"?
Kudos to Tommy on the report, in any case, "Andrew Breitbart Did Not Run ‘Weinergate’ Evidence Which Turned Out to Be Fake" (via The Other McCain).