Check the Blogger link to Althouse --- and poof!!
Also, at Instapundit, "ALTHOUSE’S BLOG IS DOWN ..." And more here.
And at Red State, "Google/Blogger going after Ann Althouse?"
And at Althouse2, Ann's backup blog:
You know, I'm beginning to suspect that there's some behind-the-scenes campaign to report my blog as abusive. People who hate/fear the Althouse blog could make a loud noise to Google.No doubt.
But Paul Campos at Lawyers, Guns and Murder is throwing up a smokescreen, suggesting the take-down is due to a post at Althouse on the job finalists for a new dean at the University of Wisconsin law school.
Added: More from Althouse2, "'So, your blog goes down right after being reported as a cesspool of [misogyny] and homophobia? Hmmmmm . . .'"
UPDATE: Althouse's blog is up: "Is this thing really back?"
UPDATE II: Check Patterico, who's taking this pretty seriously: "Don’t Let Google Off the Hook: Evidence Aplenty That Cretin “Nitecruzr” Represents Google — And Even Has the Ability to Flag Your Google Account!"